Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Save the Date

August 26th.

Just as I was deciding that today's entry would be about how I am BURSTING with impatience, I got a phone call from UH telling me that they were finally able to schedule my mastectomy. For August 26th. WTF?! That is sooooo long to wait! And now, even though I have a date, I am still BURSTING with impatience! And I do not want to sound ungrateful, but Jesus, that is a long time to wait.

The guy who called me was very apologetic and said he understood it was a long time to wait, but 'scheduling three surgeons is difficult,' and this was truly the earliest they could do it unless there is a cancellation. And I'm guessing the cancellation rate for cancer-related and/or reconstructive surgery isn't that high. UGH!

But, I'm going to try to look at the positive side of this. I mean, really, despite my impatience, I'm not exactly dying to have my boob cut off. So in reality, the only negative thing is that I am BURSTING with impatience and want this over with. Also, it changes the tentative plans I had made with my department, which were greatly helping my angst. Now we have to revise all those plans, which will not help my angst. I'll get over it, though.

The positives:
  1. I was scheduled to teach a pre-term one-week intensive course August 12-18 that I didn't think I would be able to teach, but that I may be able to now. I'm still working this out with my Chair, who already has a commitment from someone to step in. Honestly, if I could teach this course, it would be a good distraction, and give me something to do for a few weeks. It has been so long since I've taught it - I couldn't teach it last fall because of my hip/DVT issues - that I'd need at least a solid week of prep time. I think this would be good for me in that it would give me something to do other than read blogs about breast cancer all day. Because I have summers off, my summer has been consumed by cancer, which is not a good thing. 
  2. Regardless, work-wise, this gives me time to get my shit together pre-mastectomy, so that when I return mid-semester, I'm not scrambling.
  3. It gives me over a month to try to gain some weight. Of course, it also gives me a month to lose weight. Unfortunately, I am a person who loses, not gains, weight when I am stressed. I think I wrote earlier that the only positive thing about my diagnosis is that I stressed off about five pounds in the first few weeks. LOL. I will need to actually formulate a high-calorie diet plan and stick to it. While I never really worry about my weight, I'm not a tiny person. I do actually watch what I eat to maintain a weight around my ideal. I've been frustrated over the past year about not being able to walk a lot due to my hip pain, and the weight gain that has accompanied this loss of function, so I know I can gain weight. The key will be not just eating crap all the time - I still need to stick to eating a balanced diet and stay as active as I can, but I'll try to see planning out a high-calorie but nutritious diet as a fun challenge, knowing that I am feeding my future boob.
  4. It gives me over a month to complete many of the projects that I've been wanting to do. Due to the nature of my job, I really don't get any major projects done during the school year, and I tend to save them all up for my long breaks. Obviously my major projects (most of which are of the home improvement variety) did not get done this summer. But now I have the time and the motivation for a few of them. At the top of the list is painting. Our house was a foreclosure, then was 'flipped,' so the entire house is generic, 'realtor' beige, and after three years, it drives. me. crazy. The only room I've painted is my daughter's (twice, actually), and I've been wanting to paint my son's. However, my own bedroom is now at the top of the list, as I figure I'll be spending a lot of time in it post-mastectomy, and really don't want to have to stare at such boring brown walls. It's definitely time for a face lift.
  5. On a smaller scale, it also gives me time to REALLY prepare and get organized. I can do a bunch of cooking and freeze a bunch of meals, I can go back-to-school shopping with my daughter, I can buy birthday presents for my son (whose birthday is 8/22), I can sew pockets into my shirts so I don't have to spend $60 for a post-mastectomy shirt. Etc. Etc. Etc.
  6. It gives me time to put together and execute my mastectomy 'bucket list' - for lack of a better term. Hopefully it's not a true bucket list, lol, but I do have a few overly indulgent, upper class extravagant things I want to do, just because I can (like getting a pedicure, which I've never had before!).
  7. It gives me time to get some other affairs in order, so to speak. Not to be morbid, but I want to redo my will as well as do an advance directive. These are things everyone should do, even if they don't have cancer. After all, anyone can die at any time. My husband and I did do an official will after my daughter was born, but we haven't done one since my son was born, and it's just... a good idea. We had been talking about doing it even before all of this. And even without this, I'd want an advance directive. I think everyone in my life knows I do not wish to be kept alive if I am a brain-dead vegetable, but then again, you never know how difficult it might be to honor this if the time actually comes. Again, I'm not trying to be morbid; anyone can become a brain-dead vegetable at any time, but let's face it, with this complicated surgery, it does increase those odds significantly.
  8. Before all of this bullshit, I had three major professional goals for myself over the summer: take a physiology course, become a registered EMT, and take the GRE. I'm toying with the idea of trying to do one of these before August 26th (one of the latter two), but I don't want to put too much pressure on myself, especially if #1 comes to fruition. This is more like a Plan B, if it turns out I don't teach my week-long course and am driving myself crazy with my incessant blog reading. All of these relate to my future professional goals, but needless to say, a new job/career change isn't at the top of my list right at the moment, especially considering how great my department has been about everything. I've already completed an EMT course and passed my practicals (barely), but to become a registered EMT in my state, I need to pass the national registry exam. This isn't a really hard thing, just one of those things you really do have to study for. If I took it tomorrow without reviewing, it's very likely I would fail. It's sort of the same situation with the GRE; I could take it tomorrow and do okay, but I'd do much, much better if I studied a little. It has been a long, long time since I've done standardized-test math (or really any math), and it never hurts to review the meaning of some of those esoteric terms no one ever uses. (Vocabulary is not my strong suit. I have friends who speak English as a third language who scored higher on the GRE English section than I did.)
So there you have it. 

Now, some prayers. These will appear at random times, because I decided it was too stressful and way too Type A to box myself into a set blog prayer schedule.

  • I'm very grateful to have a set date for my mastectomy. Even though it's not as early as I had hoped for, it's a relief to have a date I can plan around. I am a planner, and planning things helps relieve my anxiety. I used to be an avid listener of Dr. Laura (don't judge me... even though she would, lol), and whenever anyone referred to a fiancĂ©e or fiancĂ©, the first thing she would ask is, 'Do you have a ring and a date?' because without a ring and a date, 'engagement' is non-committal. So while I don't have a ring, it is a blessing to have a date. :)
  • Most of all, I'm grateful that this is not an urgent, life-or-death surgery. If you need a mastectomy, and doctors are rearranging their schedules and moving heaven and earth to fit you in ASAP, it means you aren't in good shape. So I'm thankful to have a prognosis that doctors don't see as something that needs to be done immediately. 
  • I still haven't heard back from Dr. T regarding my hemoglobin E and DVT issues. I'm praying very hard (pretty much on an hourly basis) that I am, in fact, a good candidate for DIEP reconstruction. But if not, I pray for the strength to handle what would be a definite low. 
  • As crazy as it sounds, I'm praying for the health and safety of all of my surgeons. (That sounds like something a super religious person does, right?) Five weeks is a really long time, and even though I put my doctors on a pedestal next to God, they are real people despite having Godlike powers. I know Dr. T is going out of town the first week in August to go to a soccer tournament with his son. He could be in a plane crash or a car accident, or his son could be gravely injured and he might have to stay with him in the hospital. He could get sick. He could discover that he himself has cancer. So I pray everyone who is going to do this surgery, which is the answer to my own prayers, will remain safe and healthy and able to do this surgery to the best of their ability when the long-awaited day finally comes. 
  • I pray that I will continue to be uplifted by the amazing support I've received from my friends. I love you all. :)
Let the countdown begin. 


  1. WOW! You have a date!!!

    Agreed that you don't WANT them to move heaven and earth to fit you in earlier, b/c, whoa (they actually kind of did this for Jeff, in retrospect not necessary, but they typically do 2 surgeries a day and squeezed him in that day as a 3rd....uhhhhh.......whatever, but it was great not to wait), but whew, a month+ sounds like a long time. Your plan for staying busy is a great one, and Future You will SUPER appreciate the painting and/or meal freezing. GREAT idea on the advance directive. I should get going on that. We are working on a will (well, it's done, just need it back from the lawyer) but an advance directive is almost more important, when you think about it. Thanks for the reminder.

    I will pray/hope/set yoga intentions/whatever it is I do for your surgeons to be healthy and well over the next 5 weeks, and of course you too (as well as you can be). Also pray that you're still a good candidate, I think Dr. T is probably just being suuuuuuuuper duper cautious, though (which is pretty awesome, as you noted).

    I seriously LOLed at this:
    "knowing that I am feeding my future boob."

    YES. FEED THE BOOB lol!!!! OMG. But yes, milkshakes, avocado, nuts, whatever is high calorie and dense. Set up a plan and stick to it! Ha! Kind of crazy but in the end it will HELP you so fingers crossed you can gain weight.

    8/26! It's going to be great!

    1. Thanks, Lexi! I have to say having a rush surgery and then having it be totally unnecessary would be ideal, but I'm also know the stress that accompanied that was not fun, so perhaps the fact that it didn't end up being necessary was cosmic payback (and if anyone deserves a break it's you and Jeff!).

      I think a will is really important when you have kids. That's what got us to do our first official will. I mean, I think everyone knows our desires for who we want to take custody of our kids in the unfortunate event that we both die at the same time, but again, if that actually happens, you just don't know how emotions will come into play. So... yeah.

    2. And P.S. I remember debating the Terri Schiavo case way back when on PJB and someone pointing out PEOPLE, JUST DO AN ADVANCE DIRECTIVE! I urge you! I've been thinking about it ever since then (and finally REALLY thinking about, a decade later).

    3. This is a good reminder to me that I need to get on G to finish our documents! He actually does wills and estate planning for part of his job but we've been procrastinating in putting the finishing touches on ours so we actually have it set in stone and notarized now that we have Maddie..we've been talking about finishing it forever just haven't done it. I definitely think it's important...we lost one of my coworkers to a very sudden illness a few weeks ago and he left behind a family with two very little kids and a wife with no plans that had ever been discussed or talked about. NOT fun convos to have but good to plan ahead! And I'm a believer in if you have the plans in place hopefully you won't have to use them for a long time haha.

      As hard as it is to wait for the surgery, it seems like you will be very busy up until that point! At least you can hopefully have SOME end of summer fun with your kiddos and husband before it!

      I hope you ALL Stay healthy and that everything turns out okay with the Hemoglobin E


  2. (Yay, back to my computer... which doesn't eat comments. :) )

    Whoah, that IS a long time away... but with all your plans/ideas, it'll hopefully go by quickly. I'm just glad you KNOW when it is so you can stop thinking about that part of it and also make realistic plans to get you there. And it's nice that you'll be able to do whatever it is you want to do for your son's b-day AND get A ready for school (or maybe she will have started by then?).

    I was trying to gain weight a couple years ago and the best advice I got (I think it was from L?) was to drink more juice. I'm normally a water (and coffee ;-) ) drinker so drinking juice a couple times a day made a significant difference in calories without making me feel super full. Also, peanut butter! I don't know if you're a big fan though and eating extra PB is probably unappealing unless you really like it. :)

    - Sara

    1. Thanks for the juice advice! I am normally TERRIBLE about staying hydrated - to the extent that sometimes I'll be like 'I am DYYYYING!' and then I drink a glass of water and am fine, haha. So, drinking juice regularly will be really good for me in more ways than one. Maybe I will throw in a mocha latte mid-afternoon as a treat. Fortunately, I am blessed with extremely cavity-resistant teeth. :)

      Yeah, now that I've calmed down about the long wait and have started planning, I'm actually sort of looking forward to the next month. I think A's school starts back August 19th, so I'll be happy to be able to do all the back-to-school stuff with her, etc.

  3. Ahhh, it looks like my last comment disappeared :(

    Anyway, I am so glad you now have a date! I wish it was sooner, but I'm so glad you can plan now. I ditto S that drinking liquid calories can help a lot with weight gain. :) Also, are you an EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) fan? It is calorie dense and so good! I live off of stir fries flavored with EVOO and parm cheese. You can easily mix in EVOO to pasta dishes and couscous, dip bread into it, etc.

    1. Why does my blog eat so many comments?! Grrrrr. Anyway, I like olive oil and other types of oil and BUTTER, so I'm definitely trying to incorporate lots of those along with fresh veggies.
