Sunday, September 21, 2014

Light at the End of the Tunnel? (10 Weeks + 6 Days)

I took a long weekend and went on a fall getaway, and it was fabulous to be out of Internet and cell phone range and breathe some fresh, mountain air. The weather was spectacular, the colors weren't quite at their peak of spectacular but were fairly spectacular nonetheless, and my hip was... spectacular. I'm afraid to even type it. Ha. And I'm afraid to even wonder, but yet can't help wondering: Have I finally turned the corner? Am I finally approaching the end of the tunnel?

It was a fun-filled weekend, full of moderate levels of activity and (drum roll, please) hiking. I have not gone hiking since, well, the last time I went hiking. LOL. But the last time I went hiking, it did not end well; in fact, extreme pain after going on a short hike with a bunch of a little kids is what pushed me in the direction of surgery. I am happy to say that it was a totally different story this time! The first day of the trip, I went on a very level hike on a well-established path, about four miles round-trip, and felt virtually no pain. The second day, I went on another hike, about the same distance, with a lot more ups and downs and uneven terrain, and felt a little bit of discomfort here and there, but basically no major pain. I was also without my new best friend, Mr. Ice Bag, for the whole weekend, and I actually feel really good right now.

In less spectacular news, I've noticed some small things here and there that I hope are signs of progress. For one, I can now squat down, which I haven't been able to do for a long time. It still hurts some, but the fact that I can do it at all means that the swelling in my leg has gone down, which hopefully means my DVT is resolving. Also, since the surgery, I haven't been able to stand with my legs together without extreme pain, but I noticed this evening that I can now do this. It still hurts a little, but it is nothing like it was before. Hopefully this is a sign of healing.

At this point, it is tempting to speculate what all of this might mean as far as my recovery, but I think I'll just sit back and enjoy it instead. It is what it is. :)

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