Monday, May 25, 2015

Finally, Some Sun

After about two weeks of cold and rain and hail and lightning and all sorts of gloom and doom weather, the sun is finally out today. Just in the nick of time. We aren't used to this type of weather here; even normal people were getting ready to kill themselves. Yes, people here are wimpy about gray, rainy days. And really hot days. And humidity. And bugs. And snow. LOL.

So I am at the one-week mark, and it still really hurts to move my arm. I am wondering if I should be worried. I hope Dr. L doesn't turn into my orthopedist. I seriously think that's my greatest fear. What if she is not as awesome as I think she is?

Aside from the not being to move my arm thing, I am doing well, at least as far as post-surgery recovery. My GI distress is FINALLY gone, and my appetite is back. In case you don't know me, the not eating thing was actually sort of alarming, because I am most definitely not a person who has trouble eating. Like, ever. Unless I am extremely sick or extremely, EXTREMELY stressed out, I am always up for food - anything from gourmet to the most unnatural and disgusting of things that you can't even really call 'food' (e.g., Cheetos). We ordered Vietnamese food last night, and I couldn't wait for lunch today to eat the leftovers. That hasn't happened in a long time.

Also, I know I'm feeling better because my hip has started hurting again. LOL. Awesome! In reality, I don't think it ever actually stopped hurting, it's just that I wasn't paying attention to it. The fact that I'm noticing it again at least indicates that other parts of me (both physical and emotional) are hurting less. Last night as I lay in bed, I realized that both my right hip and ankle were throbbing (though my left hip feels pretty good, so that is a plus). My ankle started hurting about a month ago, and I am certain it is related to the fact that I seem to have developed a permanent limp.

It's sort of a pathetic predicament I'm in. I'm obviously not in a position to do anything major about any orthopedic conditions at the moment, and quite frankly, after all the injections I've been through, I can't imagine going in voluntarily for even a cortisone injection. At the same time, I bemoan the fact that it took me so long to find the lump in my breast due to my preoccupation with my hips, and now I do not want to let the rest of my body go to hell just because I have cancer. I need to figure out a way to at least manage my hip, and now ankle, pain through all of this. I did this last night by taking a hydrocodone, but hopefully there's a better long-term solution.

I don't mean this lightly; I am working on an actual real plan for this, and am contemplating trying to squeeze in a visit to my new orthopedist. Or PCP. Or something. In the meantime, I am going to try to get back to doing my self-prescribed physical therapy regimen, which involves stretching, light exercise, and ice. I need to stay in/get in shape and take care of my whole body. This is war, after all.

1 comment:

  1. Well at least this wasn't about death. Just check with your dr about the pain just to be sure. It does make sense to me that pain would still be there considering that most regular surgery takes about 6 wks to heal. I'm sending you good thoughts. Oxox
