Tuesday, June 9, 2015

News Round-Up

I am going up to University Hospital tomorrow for a consultation. I don't actually have any idea what to expect, but apparently they have this consultation thing down to an art, so... we shall see.

Before I have another round of news to report, I thought I would tie up some loose ends. In no particular order:
  • Everything is good with my parents. I think it was actually a good thing they went away immediately after our little confrontation, out of e-mail and phone range. It gave me some time to cool off and collect my thoughts. In the end, I decided that I don't want to be mad. I don't have the energy to be mad. I did write an e-mail to them explaining a lot of what I wrote about here but then concluded with I'm over it. Let's start over. It's just easier this way. 
  • I am not sure if I wrote about this, but Dr. M was completely a-okay with us going on vacation, so... we are! 
  • I'm a little nervous about traveling just 10 days post-surgery, but hopefully I'll be feeling pretty good by then. I mean, I'm not nervous about the actual vacation, during which I plan to do pretty much nothing (nothing, nothing, nothing!). I'm worried about the traveling itself, which is always a pain in the ass, surgery or no surgery. Hauling a 100-pound car seat through an airport is quite possibly one of my Least Favorite Things Ever.  
  • After Dr. U had told us to cancel our vacation plans, I asked around to see if anyone wanted to bail us out and rent the condo we had already paid for. A few friends actually offered to take me up on it, which was very helpful. Neither could do both weeks, but each offered to take one week. It was bad enough thinking about trading beach radiation therapy for a much less appealing type of radiation therapy, but thinking of losing all that money on top of it was super depressing. 
  • I think we could have gotten most of the money back - if they could re-rent the condo, but in order to do that we would have had to decide very early to cancel, and my husband seemed to want to hold out until the bitter end (which turned out to be not so bitter :)). It is our 15th anniversary after all! I think he had a secret plan to shop around for an oncologist who did not feel like two extra weeks would matter. And to be honest, Dr. U probably would have been okay with it once surgery #2 came into the picture, because she said I should not start radiation until I had recovered from surgery, and that would be at least 2-3 weeks, maybe even a month.
  • Until we saw Dr. M, we were being sort of wishy-washy about whether or not we were going to make it, and meanwhile one of my friends really needed to know whether or not they should get plane tickets. I told her to just plan on going, and even if we were there, they could be there, too. So now it looks like we will all be there, and that's actually pretty cool. It will be a big post-surgery #2 party!
  • My cough is FINALLY getting better. Seriously, that horrid thing lasted two solid weeks, and I still cough a little at night, enough to keep me from sleeping. 
And now... I need to get to bed. I have NOT been sleeping nearly enough, and to make matters worse, I can't remember the last time I actually fell asleep without some sort of drug, whether it be heavy duty cough medicine, Ambien, or alcohol. I do not necessarily suggest the latter, but sometimes you've got to do what you've got to do. That said, tonight's choice of drug is Ambien. I can't be hung over for an appointment at University Hospital, after all. :)

1 comment:

  1. I hope your appointment at University goes well!

    I'm super excited you get to go on vacation. That will be MUCH needed and a nice change of pace for you all! :)

    Glad things are good with your parents too! :)
