Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Positive Margins

My surgeon's NP just called to let me know that three out of the four margins from my re-excision were positive for DCIS.


I repeat... WTF?

I went from one positive margin to three? I don't even know what I feel right now, except like crying. But I don't know if the tears are from anger or frustration or exhaustion or fear or resignation or shock or what. I was definitely NOT expecting this. In fact, since this whole ordeal began, this was probably the news I was least prepared for.


That's all I have to say right now: fuck.

Pardon my French.


  1. GOD I am so so incredibly sorry. W!T!F?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!


    Fuck is right.

  2. Hi 39 - I found your blog last week while googling re-excision surgery, the night before I met with my surgeon to get the results of my re-excision. Was I ever surprised to learn that this could happen! So I went in the next day and discovered that I had 3 new positive margins. I am on the same path as you, one year later. crazy. mastectomy coming up in 3,2,1....

    1. Ugh, I am so sorry to hear about this! Please let me know if you have any questions about anything...
