Thursday, June 4, 2015

The good news is...

... that Dr. L called yesterday while I was roaming through Kmart while my kids were at gymnastics.


... she said that the results of my oncotype had come back and that my tumor was a '13,' which is low risk, and therefore I will not need to do chemo.


So, that is awesome, awesome news that I should have shared yesterday, but I was fully entrenched in whining about my parents, and did not want this bit of Best News Ever to get lost in my self-pity and pissiness.

Also, I forgot to to mention that we talked with Dr. M about going on vacation, and he was 100% a-okay with it. So, it looks like we are going, which is also awesome, because I think getting away will do me a world of good. And knowing that I don't have to come back and go through chemo will make it even better. I guess this is the silver lining to needing a second surgery.

And speaking of needing a vacation, I have to go up to work in a few minutes. It's funny, it has been less than three weeks since I was last at work, but it feels like it has been a year. It's going to be weird...


  1. YAYYYYYY!!! Congratulations. Talk about fantastic news!!!

  2. AWESOME all around!!! Thank you for sharing!!!

  3. Great news all around!!! So happy you're finally getting some good news for a change!
