Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Post Surgery: 6 Weeks + 1 Day / 6 Days UIRTW

I had planned on going up to work today and really getting stuff done, but of course my son threw up in the car on the way up to the university. So... we stayed home, even though he seemed pretty much fine after throwing up. So now not only am I panicked about my poor physical condition, but I am also starting to get panicked about my lack of readiness for the upcoming semester, reduced course load and all. It is as if the fates are conspiring against me having a good semester.

My mom invited us over for lunch, and I managed to walk a fairly pain free three blocks to my parents' house. That was quite a feat! I probably wouldn't have walked except that I had to hose off my son's car seat due to all the vomit, so it was soaking wet, and I'm not really supposed to be biking just yet. My therapist said I should wait until I'm walking better, just because if I crash or even just have to stop suddenly, it could cause a set back. And I definitely don't need more of those. Plus, being on the Xarelto would make me bleed a lot if I had an accident. I honestly did think about biking - I mean it's just three blocks - but the bike trailer wasn't hooked up to my bike and since I cannot squat down because of the swelling in my leg, I didn't see a way I would be able to hook it up. Not easily, anyway. How pathetic. But hey, I walked, and I made it!

I'm not sure I would have made it home as painlessly as I made it there, but I didn't have to find out because we caught a ride home in the car - not because of me, but because of lightning and thunder. My son is terrified of thunder and I was sort of afraid he might take off running if it thundered. At this point, I cannot keep up with even his short little almost three-year-old legs, and there's a lot of traffic between my parents' house and our house. So... the car.

On a different note, I finally got brave and used the hair dye I bought a while back. Goodbye gray hair! Although I have to admit, I only used a teeny portion of the dye because most of my hair doesn't need dying, plus I really worry about something that requires you to wear gloves to put on. Like... if it's not okay to get on your hands, do you really want it on your head?! My under usage of the dye caused me to miss some of my gray hairs, but at least I can just pluck those few, evasive hairs out with my fingers. If you knew me in person, you would understand just how out of character this is for me, but since most of you don't know me in real life, you'll just have to trust me. This is soooo not like me, but I think this whole hip ordeal (starting from even before the surgery) has launched me into some midlife crisis of sorts. I sort of hate it.

Here's hoping for a more productive day tomorrow, because I really need to get my butt in gear and get some serious work done!

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