Monday, August 18, 2014

Post Surgery: 6 Weeks / One Week UIRTW

Wow, six weeks. Even more wow: one week until I return to work. Or more specifically, one week until I have to actually teach. I have obviously been up at work, but... that's not the same as actually teaching.

I really thought I'd be doing a lot better at this point, especially given how great I felt so soon after the surgery. I know I've had setbacks, but I'm still sort of alarmed at what a sorry state I am still in, and am still doubting my ability to teach even just two courses.

My doubts have been driven by the fact that I was soooo tired after I went shopping for school supplies, and they intensified after today. It was my daughter's first day of school, so I walked her to school in the morning (about two and a half blocks, so five blocks round trip). Afterward, I took my son up to daycare and then went to my office for a few hours before PT. I had a great PT session, and when I got back home I grabbed a bite to eat, got dinner into the crock pot, and headed back to school to pick my daughter up. By the time I got home, I was in a little pain, but the worst part is that I felt EXHAUSTED. I lay down around 3:00 and fell asleep hard until 4:30. And I am talking about a deep, deep sleep; in fact, I think I only woke up is because my mom came by. I realize that some fatigue is normal, but I'm honestly having a hard time understanding why I am SO TIRED. I cannot think of a physiological explanation for this. I mean, I realize I am out of shape and my muscles are tired and blah blah blah, but should I really be so drop dead tired? Needless to say, being so ridiculously tired after a day of moderate activity is making me nervous.

On a more positive note, PT went very well. My therapist upped the level of intensity of my session, and I was able to do everything without any problem, including leg presses with over 50 pounds of weight. (I'm not sure how much weight I ended up using, I just told the aide 50 pounds wasn't that hard and she added more.) AJ also said my balance was really good - he couldn't tell I'd even had surgery. He seemed very genuine, and I'm trying to hold onto that positivity. One thing he did say is that once I started teaching again, I needed to be really careful not to overdo it. I should plan on coming home from work and resting - not running additional errands like shopping excursions and whatnot. Of course he said he knew that was hard with kids, but that I should really try to take it easy insofar as possible. So many people tell me I need to take it easy and not overdo it that it sort of makes me wonder... What will actually happen if I 'overdo' it? Will I just drop over dead suddenly? LOL

I'm trying to find that elusive balance between getting back into the swing of things and not overdoing it. Unfortunately, I have just a little bit of time to figure it all out. Here's hoping for a productive week.

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