Thursday, August 21, 2014

Post Surgery: 6 Weeks + 3 Days / 4 Days UIRTW

I had a really great PT session today. It took me a while to feel good about my therapist, but I really like him now. Now, of course, when I'm almost done with PT. Go figure. I was thinking about it, and it must be sort of weird being a therapist. You get to know your patients pretty well over the course of a few months, then they go away and you never see them again. I guess my job is sort of the same, only I don't really get to know my students THAT well, plus I often do see them again. Even if I don't have them in class, they are still around.

Anyway, I did a lot of stuff with weights and resistance, and I really felt like I was getting a good workout. Then AJ did his Miracle Massage on my hip, and it was amazing. Unfortunately, after PT I was in a world of hurt. It didn't help that because of PT, I got to work very late in the morning and thus had to park about half a mile from my office. Needless to say, walking that distance up a lot of stairs and hills did not make my hips happy. (I used my cane. Seriously, that's rather embarrassing for me, but I wouldn't have made it without it.) Then I sat at my desk for about six hours, and even though I had my leg propped up somewhat (not above my heart - that is really hard for a number of reasons) my leg still swelled up. Also, my left hip throbbed for most of the afternoon. Ugh. I noticed it hurt a bit during PT but I just sucked it up because it felt so good to actually work out. I'm definitely paying for it now though.

Also, this is sort of funny. I requested a refill for my Xarelto through the patient portal on Tuesday night. I currently have to take 15 mg tablets twice a day, but after reading about Xarelto, it seems that after 21 days I can switch to 20 mg once a day, which I explained in my e-mail (you know, in case my surgeon isn't as up on Xarelto as I am, lol). I was not expecting a prompt response, as the last time I requested a refill for a prescription I had to do it twice before finally getting it. However, my surgeon's medical assistant called me on Wednesday morning just to tell me that my surgeon wasn't in, but she wanted to be sure I knew she wasn't ignoring me. Ha! I told her it wasn't a big deal - I still have about a week to go with my current prescription. I was sort of hoping I could pick the script up today, but whatever. (Something I don't understand is how the patient portal can creepily communicate with pharmacies to pull up a list of all the medications I'm currently taking, but yet cannot request refills electronically. Whatever.) However, today during PT, the MA actually came in and hand delivered the script to me. She also asked if I wanted the surgeon to come in and say hi. I replied, 'Ummmm, I guess... if he wants to,' which was obviously not a rousing endorsement, because he didn't, ha ha. I think my crying fit last week must have them really freaked out. LOL

So all in all it was not a bad day. I'm pretty much working in full crisis mode right now, which is bad for my stress but good for my productivity. Only four more days until the shit hits the fan.

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