Saturday, August 23, 2014

Post Surgery: 6 Weeks + 5 Days / 2 Days UIRTW

Because I was distracted yesterday trying to throw a little get-together for my son's birthday, I had to work most of the day today. Between the walk to my office from the parking lot, sitting at my desk for hours, and trying to hang a ridiculously large tapestry on my office wall, I'm pretty sore tonight. To make things worse, we went over to one of my husband's semi-friend's house for dinner. I say semi-friend because this is someone my husband knows professionally, whom I've met once before, and whose wife I've never met. This was our first get-together with them, which is relevant because it means these aren't people I know well, which means I had to try to sit normally without fidgeting or putting my leg up for three hours. So... my leg is pretty swollen right now, plus both my hips hurt, despite the fact that I've been icing them throughout the day.

I think the swelling in my leg is the most irritating thing right now, because it prevents me from squatting down, which actually makes a lot of things quite difficult. For example, I mentioned that I rearranged my office last weekend, and let me tell you it was hard to unplug and replug and disconnect and reconnect all those cords and cables without being able to squat down. Now I'm still finding little things here and there that need reconnecting or tweaking and this is ridiculously hard for me. I also had to climb up onto my desk today to hang my tapestry, and while going up was not so bad, getting down was sort of a challenge. And gardening is still pretty much out of the question.

I had to resort to pain medication last night because my hips were throbbing, particularly my left hip and IT band. WTF? PT on Thursday made my left hip REALLY unhappy! Unfortunately, I think I am going to have to take pain meds again tonight if I want to sleep. I hate, hate, HATE having to do this, but it's really necessary right now. BUT, the good news is that I have not used a crutch or cane at all in several days, even to go significant distances. Also, I noticed today that I've been going up and down stairs like a normal person, for the most part, so that is progress!

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