Friday, July 25, 2014

Post Surgery: Two Weeks!

Time flies! It has been two full weeks since surgery, so... onto week 3! This is the halfway point to walking again, which is the only thing I really care about. What can I say, I have a one-track mind. :)

Unfortunately, as I try to summarize the day, three words keep coming to mind: House. Of. Pain. Ugh. That terrible pain I had all the way down my right leg last week returned with a vengeance and I've been miserable.

It was a busy day. My husband had a morning teleconference, so I took the kids to daycare/summer camp. I had a meeting with my Chair, so after dropping the kids off, I went up to my office, which is a trek from the parking lot. So. many. stairs. I met with the Chair for about 45 minutes and then did some work in my office for about 45 minutes before heading off to PT. The meeting went well, and without going into specific detail (I'm trying to keep this mostly about my hip), I did bring up how difficult the past semester had been for me because of the chronic pain from my hip. I mean, I'm not sure I even realized at the time just how much it was affecting me - my mood, my energy level, my general demeanor... My Chair mentioned in a roundabout way that I should have said something, and maybe I should have, but it's sort of an awkward subject, and I'm not the type of person who expresses my emotions outwardly.


PT was okay. The therapist was still sort of, eh, so-so, but I'm getting used to him. We cut out exercises that would require me to stand with all my weight on my left side, and that has helped my left hip. I also added in a new exercise that pretty much kicked my ass; it was basically like doing squats, only lying down. I'm so weak, this definitely inspires me to hit the weight room again once this ordeal is over. I told the therapist about my knee pain when I sit, and although he had absolutely no idea what it might be, he did show me how I can stretch out my quadriceps lying down, and that actually helped (or at least felt good at the time). That said, I definitely feel like it is something in PT that causes the pain down my leg, because both times now it has been after PT that it started. Or maybe it is just something about Mondays.

After PT, I stopped by my parents' house.  By the time I got home, I was pretty exhausted - both physically and emotionally - and tried to catch a quick nap before the kids got back.

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