Friday, July 25, 2014

Post Surgery: 1 Week + 3 Days

Not much to report today. After feeling very good yesterday after PT, the pain in my leg returned late last night. It definitely seems to be something about PT that sets it off. I took the PT's advice and took a pain pill around midnight. Despite the supposed soporific effects of hydrocodone, I did not sleep well.

My son went to daycare and my daughter had a morning play date, followed by an afternoon piano lesson at our house. I slept on the couch through a lot of the piano lesson, which didn't seem to be going very well. I think listening to a kid learn to play piano is much less painful than listening to a kid learn to play a screechy string instrument or an instrument you have blow into; nonetheless, it's surprising how many painful sounds can come out of a piano. LOL. After my nap, I felt better and even did a few hours of work for my class in the late afternoon/early evening. I want to get the course all ready ASAP so that my only concern will be getting in good enough shape to handle its physical demands.

Anyway, I feel pretty good right now. PT is definitely tiring me out and making me a bit sore, but I know it's one of those things where you have to feel worse to get better. I'm trying to stay hydrated and I hope to get some sleep tonight.

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