Friday, July 25, 2014

Post Surgery: 1 Week + 1 Day

Today was by far the worst day since last Monday. I woke up feeling okay and then tried to do some work. Unfortunately, making my home office into a suitable place to actually be able to do work was one of my projects for the summer, and this is a project that I didn't quite finish pre-surgery. As a result, it is a hazardous area for someone who has trouble sitting in one position for very long and is on crutches. I'm not sure if I just sat too long or if my chair/seating area is just super uncomfortable, but when I got up to feed my daughter and her friend lunch, I noticed that my right leg was aching. It was a dull but intense pain and at first was just uncomfortable. As I described it to my doctor in a e-mail: The pain is very hard to describe; it is sort of like your muscles feel right before you get a really bad cramp combined with the feeling you get when a limb 'wakes up' after being asleep. It is extremely uncomfortable and does not seem to improve with sitting, standing, walking, stretching, rubbing, etc. I guess this is a test for my doctor. I feel like orthopedists have a reputation for blowing you off once they've made their big bucks operating on you, so we'll see if he gets back to me.

My mom came by to visit around 2:30 and when she left around 4:00, my discomfort was increasing. By the time my husband got home around 5:30, I wouldn't say I was in agony, but I was EXTREMELY uncomfortable. We drove my daughter's friend home and her parents invited us to stay for dinner, but I feel like I was a terrible guest because I just couldn't get comfortable and was crabby the whole time. I felt like I might get sick because I felt so weird. Plus it is a weird type of pain I don't think I've ever felt before, which makes it hard to deal with, like during childbirth. Not that it hurt nearly as much as childbirth, just that childbirth makes you feel pain you've never encountered before so you don't know how to deal with it.

Anyway, I have physical therapy tomorrow, so I'll see what the PT says about it, if anything. I'm not holding out hope he'll be of any use, but I'm willing to give him one more chance before I ditch him.

Another thing worth noting is that ever since the surgery, when I stand up after going to the bathroom, my hip pops. (Sorry if that is TMI, but it does seem to be an issue specific to toilets. LOL.) It doesn't hurt, yet, it pops. That's how so much of this began - with the return of my snapping hips.

In better news, my GI issues seem to have resolved themselves. Also, I went upstairs and took a shower without incident, although I had failure #3 as far as trying to keep my stitches dry. I still had to come down the stairs on my butt, but it didn't hurt nearly as bad as the first time.

I feel a little better now as I lie here write this with ice on my back, so hopefully I'll feel much better tomorrow.

* * * * *
It is also worth noting that this is the day I actually started this blog: July 15th. I wanted a project to keep my mind occupied, and thought it would be fun. However, since I wanted to go in chronological order, I had to start from the beginning with the History of my Hips.

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